Home Relationship Excuses How To Respond To His Excuses: Proven Tips For Dealing With A Flaky Person

How To Respond To His Excuses: Proven Tips For Dealing With A Flaky Person

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Have you ever met someone who always has an excuse for missing plans or cancelling commitments? While excuses are sometimes needed in some situations, for others, they’re a way to hide their true feelings. Today, we’re going to learn how to handle these excuses with ease and understanding.

Imagine you’ve been looking forward to catching up with a friend for a long time. But then, they cancel at the last minute with a bunch of excuses. You might feel frustrated, wondering when things will change. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. With the right strategies, you can learn how to respond to his excuses to grow closer to your friend.

Understanding The Root Causes Of Excuse-Making

Making excuses is a common way people protect their insecurities and egos. Sometimes, an excuse is needed, like when dealing with a chronic illness or disability. But often, excuses become a regular habit that holds back real progress.

Insecurity And Ego Protection

Many people use excuses to avoid blame for their failures. This could be missing a deadline, being late, or cancelling plans. These excuses help them protect their self-image. They might think admitting their mistakes could hurt their reputation or show they’re not competent.

Chronic Illness Or Disability

Some folks have real reasons for making excuses, like chronic illness or disability. These conditions can make it hard to plan and commit to things. It’s key to be understanding and empathetic towards them, not judgmental.

According to the University of Manitoba psychologists Tara Thatcher and Donald Bailis, failure is one of the most common reasons for making an excuse.

Understanding why people make excuses helps us deal with these situations better. Whether it’s to protect themselves or due to real limitations, we can find ways to address the root issues.

Keeping Calm And Avoiding Confrontation

Dealing with someone who always makes excuses requires staying calm and avoiding arguments. Getting angry or upset can make things worse, as they might make more excuses or stop talking. It’s better to be kind and patient.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD, says people are less likely to tell you the truth if they’re scared of your reaction. Being empathetic and understanding helps create a safe space. This makes them less likely to use excuses.

The Importance Of Kindness And Tolerance

Being calm and avoiding arguments helps in tense situations. A study in the Journal of Family Psychology shows that happy family life and good parent relationships make kids happy and successful. The same is true for adults – being kind and tolerant helps solve problems and improve talking.

  • Breathing exercises for stress should ideally start with five minutes a day and can be increased as the exercise becomes easier and more comfortable.
  • Taking a ten-minute walk or engaging in physical activity like dancing can help relieve tension and stress, improving mental well-being.
  • Listening to each other during conflicts is vital for resolving disagreements and improving communication in relationships.

Being calm and understanding gives the other person a chance to share why they’re making excuses. This can help solve the problem.

“Arguments are common in relationships, with healthy conflict expression viewed as essential for establishing positive communication patterns.”

The aim isn’t to win or lose an argument. It’s to find a solution that works for everyone. Being kind and tolerant helps keep the relationship strong and communication open and honest.

How To Respond To His Excuses: Gently Addressing The Excuses

Dealing with someone who often makes excuses can be tough. It’s key to be empathetic and understanding. Handling excuses gently is crucial for keeping relationships strong and preventing being taken advantage of.

When you talk about excuses, be gentle and avoid direct conflict. Start by understanding their side and showing you care. You might say, “I’ve seen a lot of excuses lately, and I’m worried it’s stopping you from reaching your goals. How can I help you get past these hurdles?”

Talking about excuses is sensitive, so watch how you say things. Don’t sound like you’re blaming them. Instead, look for ways to solve problems together. Ask if there are deeper issues causing their excuses, and see if you can tackle them together.

“Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.” – Jim Rohn

Some people might not want to talk about their excuses. Be patient and kind, but respect their limits. Gently remind them of their promises and how their excuses affect you or others. This might make them think about their actions.

The aim isn’t to criticize or argue. It’s to understand and find solutions that help everyone. By talking about excuses kindly and constructively, you can help them see their patterns and change for the better.

How To Respond To His Excuses: Giving Them An Out

Dealing with someone who always makes excuses can be tough, according to an article in Psychology Today. Often, they do it because they feel insecure or want to protect their ego. By understanding this and offering a way out, you can help them save face and tackle the real issue.

One way to help is to give them an out by showing you get why they might excuse themselves. You could say, “I know it’s tough to admit when you can’t do something. It’s okay if you need to step back from this commitment.” This lets them off the hook and stops the need for excuses.

Acknowledging The Situation

It’s key to talk about excuses with empathy and understanding. Acknowledging the situation means seeing why they might be making excuses, like insecurity or fear. By showing you get it, you make a safe space for them to be honest about their limits.

Providing A Solution

After understanding the situation, it’s time to provide a solution. This could be offering an alternative plan, a new timeline, or reassuring them you’re willing to work together.

This approach helps the person dodge the need for constant excuses and tackles the real issue, making them less likely to come up with the excuse again. It builds trust and cooperation, leading to stronger relationships and better results.

How To Respond To His Excuses

Dealing with someone who always makes excuses can be tough, according to Psychology Today. It’s key to stay patient and understanding. Instead of getting angry or aggressive, aim for a calm, helpful talk. This talk should look at the real reasons behind the excuses.

One good way is to softly mention the excuses and how they affect you. This way, you share your feelings without making things worse. For example, you might say, “I’ve seen a lot of excuses lately about why you can’t [insert activity or commitment]. It seems like you’re not as into this as I thought.”

Offering an “out” can also help. Show you understand the situation and suggest an easy alternative. This shows you care and want to solve the problem together. For example, you could say, “I know you’re busy. How about [alternative suggestion] instead?”

It’s important to avoid fighting and focus on solving the problem. This might mean looking into what’s causing the excuses. It could be because of insecurity, illness, or other issues. Being kind and understanding can lead to a good solution for both of you.

  1. Gently point out the pattern of excuses and how it makes you feel.
  2. Provide an “out” by acknowledging the situation and offering a low-pressure alternative.
  3. Explore the underlying causes of the excuse-making behaviour with empathy and understanding.
  4. Collaborate on a solution that addresses the root issues and works for both of you.

The main goal is to find a solution that suits everyone. By being patient and open to compromise, you can handle this tough situation. And you might even strengthen your relationship in the end.

Setting Boundaries And Expectations

Dealing with someone who always makes excuses? It’s key to set boundaries and expectations. Consider taking a break from planning things with them for three months. Use this time to hang out with people who are more dependable.

When you do meet up, suggest a simple plan like grabbing a drink or watching a movie near your place. Avoid big plans. Also, try travelling separately to not rely on them and avoid being let down. This way, you make things easier and more positive.

Designing Low-Pressure Scenarios

Creating low-pressure scenarios is key when dealing with excuse-makers. Here’s how:

  • Plan a casual coffee or drink meetup near your home, not a big event
  • Invite them over for a movie night or a simple activity, so they don’t have to worry about much
  • Offer a spontaneous hike or park walk, focusing on enjoying the moment, not a strict schedule

Traveling Separately

Travelling separately is another good move. It means you’re not counting on someone else to show up. This way, you avoid being left out or having your plans ruined. Taking care of your own plans lowers stress and frustration.

how to deal with his excuses

“The key to setting boundaries is being clear about what you need and being willing to enforce those boundaries when necessary.”

The Art Of Flaking

Flaking, or not keeping a commitment, is often seen as negative. But, journalist Ian Bogost says it can be positive if done with care. Knowing when it’s okay to flake and when it’s not is key.

The Difference Between Occasional And Habitual Flaking

Occasional flaking happens when something unexpected comes up, like car trouble or emergencies. It can also be when you choose other things over a commitment. This type of flaking is usually okay if it doesn’t happen often.

Habitual flaking is different. It’s when you always skip your commitments. This can hurt trust and damage relationships. It often comes from deeper issues like fear or poor time management.

Owning Up To Flaking

If you need to flake, it’s important to own up to it and say so. This shows respect for others and makes flaking a valid social choice. Use flaking wisely, only when it won’t cause big problems.

With practice, the art of flaking can help you handle life’s demands better. Knowing when it’s okay to flake and being honest about it helps you move through social situations smoothly.

“Flaking can be a healthy social tool when used selectively and with intention.”


Dealing with someone who always makes excuses can be tough. It tests your patience and problem-solving skills. But, by understanding the reasons behind their excuses, staying calm, and using smart communication, you can make things better.

Remember, the key takeaways are to keep an open mind, set clear boundaries, and find creative solutions. With some skill and a lot of resilience, you can turn frustrating situations into positive ones. This brings you and others closer together.

The conclusion is simple: Embrace the challenge, stay flexible, and value honest, respectful talks. Doing this helps you get your time and energy back. It also helps you build stronger connections with people around you. Life is too short for empty promises and excuses.

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