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Friend making excuses not to meet? Here’s 5 things you can do

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Friend making excuses not to meet? Here’s 5 things you can do

Have you ever felt let down when a friend keeps canceling plans? It’s a tough spot that can make you wonder if your friend really values your time. But before giving up on them, there’s a better way to handle it.

It’s possible that your friend’s constant canceling doesn’t mean they don’t care about you. This might sound strange, but hear us out. We’re going to explore why some friends act flaky and what to do when a friend is making excuses not to meet.

my friend always makes excuses to not hang out

We’ve all been the ones to cancel plans sometimes. It could be because we’re bad at managing our time, not fully committed, or just putting other things first. The important thing is to notice this pattern and change it to keep your friendships strong.

Understanding the Impact of Flaky Behavior

We all want a sense of security and consistency in our close relationships. But what happens when a friend is always flaky, unreliable, and shows no commitment? This can deeply affect you, making you feel abandoned or rejected. It shakes your sense of security.

Being flaky means canceling plans at the last minute. This can happen for many reasons, like being too busy or always on your phone. But sometimes, it’s because of social anxiety, being an introvert, or deeper emotional issues. No matter the reason, this inconsistent behavior can hurt your friendship.

Why it Stings When Friends Don’t Show Up

When a friend keeps canceling plans, it hurts and makes you feel disrespected. This pattern of unreliability and lack of follow-through can shake your trust. It makes you wonder if the friendship is worth it. Over time, you might feel abandoned and lose your emotional security in the relationship.

In today’s world, where it’s easy to communicate, flaky behavior is more common. But it still hurts a lot. The pain of a friend’s last-minute cancellations or ghosting can be hard to get over. It makes it hard to trust and invest in the friendship again.

Flaky behavior can weaken the trust and closeness in a friendship. It’s important to understand and deal with this to keep friendships strong and meaningful.

Approach Your Friend with Empathy, Not Judgment

When a friend keeps canceling plans, it can make you feel upset and frustrated. But, it’s important to talk to them with empathy instead of judgment. This can help you understand why they act this way and keep your friendship strong.

Before you criticize your friend for being unreliable, think about what might be causing it. Maybe they’re dealing with childcare problems, too much stress, or anxiety. By being curious and open-minded, you can talk about this without making them feel attacked. This opens the door for honest and open conversation.

  1. Stay calm and understanding. This makes your friend more likely to talk to you honestly.
  2. Ask questions to get their side of the story. What problems are they facing that make them cancel plans?
  3. Don’t jump to conclusions. There might be things going on that you don’t know about.
  4. Try to understand their situation. Let them know you get how tough things are for them.

The aim is to be empathetic, not judgmental. By seeing things from both sides and making a safe space for your friend to talk, you’re more likely to find a way that works for everyone.

approaching friendmaking excuses not to meet

My friend is making excuses not to meet…like all the time

Making excuses to avoid social plans is common, it’s useful to esca way to escape. But, constantly canceling, or being “flaky,” is not just rude to your friend. It also wastes your friend’s time. Canceling via text might seem easier, but it doesn’t help your friendship grow.

When a friend always cancels plans, it’s key to talk about it and figure out why. Being ignored or avoided can hurt a lot, just like physical pain. If one person always starts the conversation or plans, it shows the friendship is one-sided.

Looking at how often you text or call each other can show if the friendship is balanced. If one person does all the work, the friendship might be fading. People often focus on relationships that give back, helping their mental health and self-esteem.

Avoiding deep talks with a friend can mean they’re not interested in keeping the friendship. Body language and how you interact can show you’re not really into it. Canceling plans without making new ones or showing you care might mean they don’t value the relationship.

Excuses like being busy or having other plans can hide someone’s lack of interest in you. If someone doesn’t seem excited to talk or engage, they might not care about the friendship anymore. This lack of effort can mean the emotional bond is weakening.

It’s crucial to talk to your friend with kindness and try to understand why they keep canceling. By discussing the issue and setting boundaries, you can either fix the friendship or move on in a healthy way.

Encourage Honesty and Set Boundaries

When your friend often cancels plans without notice, it’s time to talk about it. Listen to their reasons with kindness, then share how you feel using “I statements.” This helps keep the conversation honest and opens the door to solutions.

Finding a Middle Ground

Keeping a good friendship might mean making some compromises. It’s key to set clear limits and push for honesty to make sure both sides feel valued. Try to find a middle ground, like being clear about your friend’s commitment to plans or changing your expectations.

Talking about the issue and finding a middle ground shows you care about the friendship. It also shows you’re looking out for your own needs. Remember, setting limits isn’t about being mean or punishing your friend. It’s about keeping the friendship strong by being honest and respecting each other.

When both people feel heard and respected, finding a compromise is easier. This way, you can deal with the issue in a positive manner.

setting boundaries

Don’t hesitate to have an open talk about what you need and can do. Working together to solve problems can make your friendship stronger. It ensures the friendship stays important and rewarding for both of you.

Evaluating the Friendship’s Worth

When a friend often cancels plans, it’s important to think about the friendship’s value. If the only issue is the constant canceling and the friend is otherwise good for you, it might be worth keeping the friendship. But if the canceling keeps happening and the friendship brings more stress than happiness, it might be time to think about ending it.

Consider the friendship’s balance. Are you always the one trying to stay in touch, while your friend is often not there or hard to reach? Studies show that in one-sided friendships, you might feel like you’re always giving while getting little back. This can make you feel ignored and unimportant.

Also, look at how often your friend cancels plans. If it happens a lot, it might show they don’t really value the friendship or can’t follow through. People who often feel left out might find help in DBT skills like the REST technique. This method includes relaxing, evaluating, setting goals, and acting to deal with jealousy and anxiety in friendships.

Think about how the friendship affects your happiness. If being around this friend always makes you feel tired or not valued, it’s time to rethink the friendship. Good friends should make you feel supported, not stressed or let down all the time.

Maintaining Perspective

Dealing with a friend who often cancels plans can be tough. Life is unpredictable, and people have to skip events sometimes. It’s important to see the friendship for what it is and set realistic expectations.

Understanding that your friend’s excuses might not mean they don’t value you is key. Their issues could be work-related, personal, or they might just handle social plans differently. By understanding their limitations, you won’t take their actions too hard and keep the friendship healthy.

But, you also need to manage your expectations about the friendship. If your friend is always late or cancels a lot, you might need to change how you see the friendship. This could mean seeing them less often, having casual meet-ups, or thinking about if the friendship is really worth it.

Maintaining perspective means finding a middle ground. It’s about knowing your friend’s excuses don’t define your self-worth. At the same time, be real with yourself about if the friendship works for you. This way, you can handle the situation clearly and stop letting your friend’s excuses ruin your friendship.

In the end, maintaining perspective, understanding limitations, and managing expectations help when dealing with a friend who always makes excuses. With this approach, you can keep the friendship and also take care of your feelings.


Dealing with a friend who always cancels plans can be tough. But, you can handle it better by being understanding, setting clear limits, and keeping things in balance. This way, you can keep the friendship strong.

It’s important to tackle the flaky behavior directly. Find a middle ground that suits both of you. Always remember to set boundaries and take care of yourself. This is key for your well-being.

Deciding whether to keep or end a friendship is up to you. Think about the worth of the friendship and what it means for your life. With empathy, honesty, and a commitment to overcoming challenges, you can handle these tough situations well. You’ll come out stronger in the end.

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