Home Excuses for Work or SchoolSchool-related Excuses Struggling To Do Homework? Here are 5 Ways To Overcome

Struggling To Do Homework? Here are 5 Ways To Overcome

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You’re at your desk looking at your homework, but you can’t focus and it just seems you’re in a staring contest with it. You decide to start scrolling through social media or organizing your desk instead and hours go by, it doesn’t get done.

You try again the next day but still find that you’re struggling to do homework. This is a common problem for many students, but you can beat procrastination and make homework a priority.

struggling to do homework due to bad time management

This article will explore the science behind procrastination. We’ll look at practical ways to reclaim your time, increase productivity, and feel good about finishing your homework on time but it all starts with understanding why you struggle doing homework

Why am I struggling to do homework?


Many students struggle doing homework due to procrastination a.k.a I’ll do it later. Knowing why you procrastinate is key to finding ways to beat it. Some common ones are

  • A lack of motivation
  • Constant distractions
  • Seeing little or no point in an assignment
  • Feeling overwhelmed or struggling with the subject matter

  • Wanting perfection

  • Fear of failure

  • Anxiety

Distractions play a big part in struggling to do homework. Social media, TV shows, or other fun activities can pull you away from studying because let’s face it, they’re so much more fun.

ADHD and Procrastination

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, can significantly impact a student’s ability to complete homework. Students with ADHD are a special population and there are ways teachers can help such students with some of the challenges their condition brings.

The struggle with Inattention and impulsivity, these deficits make it hard for students to break tasks into manageable steps and follow through to completion.

The Cycle of Procrastination and Its’ Consequences

Procrastination can trap many, including students with homework. It gives a quick relief that feels addictive. But soon, stress, anxiety, and guilt take over, making it hard to focus.

Procrastination can harm us physically and emotionally. It can cause stress, anxiety, and even burnout. Putting off homework can lead to a lot of work, making you feel overwhelmed.

homework procrastination

Bad Time Management

Famed Jazz Musician Miles Davis once said, “Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing”

Everything we do is under the constraint of time and we can’t stop time, we only make the best of it. Time management is an important skill for success and overall well-being.

Poor time management leads to missing deadlines, stress and anxiety, sleep deprivation, procrastination, constant work-life imbalance, and ultimately failure.

Bad Study Habits

Studies have shown a significant relationship between study habits and academic performance. When your study technique is inadequate or unsuitable you’ll often feel out of your depth with your school material.

Creating a special, distraction-free space for homework can boost your focus. Make sure your study area is tidy with all your supplies close by. Adding calming music or nice smells can help you get into a focused mindset.

It’s important to reduce distractions to study well. Digital distractions in school settings are becoming more common, making it hard for students to focus. To fight this, try using apps or browser extensions that block social media and other distracting sites during homework time.

To make a great study space, cut down on distractions, stay organized, and balance work with breaks. This approach will improve your focus, concentration, and productivity with your homework.

girl at her optimal study area

We’ve already discussed the overall effect of poor time management. Effective time management is key to finishing your homework on time. Begin by making a detailed list of all your assignments and their due dates. This helps you see what you need to do and lets you sort tasks by importance.

Prioritizing Assignments and Scheduling

After listing your tasks, prioritize them. Start with the most critical and urgent ones, and allot enough time to them. Use a planner, calendar, or digital tool to plan out specific times for each task.

  1. Identify your top priorities and due dates
  2. Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable steps
  3. Allocate specific time slots in your calendar for homework completion
  4. Build in buffer time to account for unexpected delays or challenges
  5. Regularly review and adjust your schedule as needed

Adding breaks to your study schedule can also boost your productivity. Taking short breaks to do something different, like exercise or meditation, can refresh your mind. This makes you ready to dive back into your homework.

Good time management keeps you on track and boosts your productivity. By focusing on what’s most important and planning realistically, you can lower stress and meet deadlines more easily.

Boy scheduling so he can do his assignments

Setting goals can be the secret to doing your homework well. By setting goals that are achievable and have a deadline, you can feel more motivated and responsible.

Start by promising to finish one assignment early. As you get better, set bigger goals for yourself. Celebrate your wins to keep yourself motivated and on track with your homework.

In one Kindergarten class, fewer students were reading below level after using goal-setting tools. The teacher saw more students getting involved and doing better in school.

Seeing progress in skills can motivate you a lot. It also gives a sense of confidence to face what comes next.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn

So, why not start today? Think about your homework goals, write them down, and make a plan to stay on track. With goal-setting, you can turn homework from a chore to something that helps you succeed.

Homework can feel like a lonely battle, but you don’t have to face it alone. Getting a support system can greatly improve your chances of staying on track and reaching your goals. This can mean working with a classmate or getting guidance from a teacher or tutor.

Think about starting a study group with your classmates. Working together not only helps you tackle homework but also keeps you accountable. Knowing others are counting on you makes you more likely to stay focused and not procrastinate.

It’s okay to ask teachers for help too. They have a lot of knowledge and can give you advice on tough assignments. Talk to your teachers often, share your problems, and ask for tips on studying or resources that can help you.

Getting a tutor can also be a big help. A tutor can give you one-on-one attention, figure out how you learn best, and create a plan to help you succeed. Don’t see tutors as only a last resort. Think of them as a key part of your support system that helps with accountability and time management.

Last, tell a trusted friend or family member about your homework goals and how you’re doing.

Talking about your plans and challenges can make you more accountable. Enjoy your successes and get support from your loved ones when things get hard.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

support system

When you tackle your homework, do it with kindness towards yourself, not harsh criticism. You’re human, and being perfect is impossible. Instead, celebrate your progress and small wins along the way.

Embracing Imperfection and Growth

Having a growth mindset can change your academic path. Don’t be hard on yourself over mistakes. See them as chances to learn and get better. This self-compassionate way can lessen guilt and shame, making your studies more positive and resilient.

“Self-compassion motivates individuals to alleviate suffering, heal, thrive, and be happy, contributing to a stable sense of self-worth over time.”

Building self-compassion helps you do more, work better, and stay emotionally stable. The journey to growth and success isn’t always straight. Accept your imperfections as steps towards your goals. With a self-compassionate mindset, you’ll find it easier and more fulfilling to handle your homework’s ups and downs.


Making homework a priority is tough but possible with the right strategies and effort. By setting up a good study space, managing your time well, and setting realistic goals, you’re on the path to success.

Remember, making progress takes time and patience. Be gentle with yourself as you go. Celebrate your small victories and don’t be too tough on yourself when you face setbacks. With a positive attitude and a desire to learn, homework can turn into a journey of growth and achievement.

So, take a deep breath, get ready, and dive into your homework with energy. You have the tools and support you need. Embrace the challenge, stay motivated, and watch your productivity, discipline, and grades improve.

If you found this helpful, you might enjoy our piece about helping a slacking student.


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