Home Relationship Excuses 5 Pros of The Psychology of the “I Need to Work on Myself Break Up Excuse”

5 Pros of The Psychology of the “I Need to Work on Myself Break Up Excuse”

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I need to work on myself break up excuse was how Kwame Leonard left me hanging on a thread, I can’t believe I gave up so much for nothing. 

My heart and mind was at war, I didn’t want to let go but it wasn’t worth holding onto someone who is wants a break up.

His excuse was that he needed personal growth, clarity, reduce codependency and explore new opportunities because he was young, I had so much love for him so I gave him the space he needed.

I did not really understand then why he used the “I need to work on myself break up excuse” to exit our relationship but now I do.

The phrase “I need to work on myself” is often used as a breakup line, it also carries several potential benefits. Here are five pros of this approach.

I Need to Work on Myself Break Up Excuse

The 5 Pros of the “I Need to Work on Myself Break Up Excuse”

1. Encourages Personal Growth

When someone chooses to end a relationship with the intent of working on themselves, they are prioritizing their mental, emotional, or even physical health and that was what Kwame choose to do.

In the context of personal growth, relationships often demand significant time, energy, and compromise. While these can be fulfilling aspects of a healthy partnership, they may also distract from the need for self-reflection and self-care. By stepping away from a relationship, Kwame redirected his energy inward, focusing his personal development goals.

2. Promotes Healthy Boundaries

Kwame lost himself in my needs so he needed to build a healthy boundaries. He even secretly booked me on WhatsApp to clear his head Boundaries acknowledges that sometimes, individuals may lose themselves in their partner’s needs, making it essential to step back and prioritize one’s own mental health.

3. Provides Clarity

I Need to Work on Myself Break Up Excuse

Taking a break or ending a relationship can offer clarity about what one truly wants in life and love. This time apart can help individuals reassess their values and desires, leading to better choices in future relationships.

For the person who says, “I need to work on myself,” it can also serve as an opportunity to reevaluate patterns, behaviors, and decisions that may have contributed to the relationship’s challenges. This self-awareness can lead to personal growth and healthier relationship choices moving forward.

Ultimately, this clarity can help both Kwame and I make more informed decisions about our future . We ultimately move on to new relationships. With a better understanding of our own needs, we formed connections that align with our values and long-term goals, leading to more fulfilling, meaningful partnerships.

4. Reduces Codependency

Kwame was struggling with codependency, this breakup line served as an important reminder that personal independence is vital. It can help individuals learn to stand on their own, fostering healthier future relationships where both partners maintain their individuality.

5. Opens Opportunities for New Experiences

Ending a relationship our free up time and energy for new pursuits and connections that might have been sidelined. This newfound freedom lead to Kwame’s personal adventures, rekindled friendships, and opportunities for growth that were previously unavailable.


I Need to Work on Myself Break Up Excuse

In summary, while the phrase “I need to work on myself” may initially seem like a cop-out or an excuse, it can actually serve as a catalyst for meaningful personal development and healthier future relationships. Although Leonard and I are no longer together, I now understand why things went the way it did. I am genuinely happy for the work he did for his growth and development. Both of us have moved on and we are currently living our best lives with our partners.

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